README, September 1994 This directory contains the necessary files to install MuPAD, the Multi Processing Algebra Data Tool, Version 1.2.1. Note that you have to obtain a license of MuPAD in order to get the full- featured MuPAD version. Copyright (C) B. Fuchssteiner, Automath, University of Paderborn, Germany. All rights reserved. Users of Version 1.2 should read the chapters 'How to install MuPAD' and 'How to upgrade MuPAD'. Contents -------- * How to order MuPAD * Before you get MuPAD * How to get MuPAD * How to install MuPAD * How to run MuPAD * Possible warnings when starting MuPAD * How to upgrade MuPAD * Disc space needed for MuPAD * How to reduce disc space * Differences on IBM RS/6000 * Remarks on Silicon Graphics How to order MuPAD ------------------ At present MuPAD is available for the Sun 4 machine types, IBM RS/6000, Silicon Graphics, DECstation, Apple Macintosh and 386/468 PC's under Linux or NetBSD/FreeBSD. Pre-release versions exist for the Sequent Symmetry. If you want to receive information about further please subscribe to Subscription is free of charge. The full-featured Sun4-, IBM RS/6000-, Silicon Graphics-, DEC-, Macintosh- Linux- and NetBSD/FreeBSD-versions of MuPAD are available to all scientific and educational non-profit institutions free of charge. Commercial institu- tions should inquire about the respective license conditions either at or they should write to MuPAD-Distribution University of Paderborn Deptartment of Mathematics Warburger Str. 100 D-33095 Paderborn Germany To obtain a license of MuPAD for a non-profit organization just sign a copy of the enclosed license (see file LICENSE) and send it to the address above. Furthermore we need the name of a contact person and preferably an e-mail address. You then receive a keyword and an ftp-address so that you can copy and decode the MuPAD system. For users who cannot use "ftp" MuPAD is supplied on appropriate media. If you order MuPAD on media we expect you to reimburse for our expenses. Exabyte 8mm $ 20 1/4" tape $ 30 1.44 MB, 3,5 " disks $ 20 A detailed description of MuPAD you will find in the manuals: in German: Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel, 1993 MuPAD: Multi Processing Algebra Data Tool; Benutzerhandbuch; MuPAD Version 1.1 ISBN 3-7643-2872-X in English: Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel, 1994 MuPAD: Multi Processing Algebra Data Tool; Tutorial ISBN 3-7643-5017-2 The English reference manual will follow in spring 1995. There also is sufficient on-line documentation, both in English and German. (Reference manual and helppages in German; tutorial, sample session and a demo in English) Before you get MuPAD -------------------- You must obtain a password to get the full-featured MuPAD version. Please get your password before you proceed. Without registration you get only a demo version. Before you copy MuPAD from the ftp server you should decide which kind of binaries you need. There are 7 different kinds of binaries: - binaries for Sun4 (SunOS) - binaries for Sun4 (Solaris) - binaries for IBM RS/6000 (AIX) - binaries for DECstations (Ultrix) - binaries for Silicon Graphics (Irix) - binaries for PC 386/486 (Linux) - binaries for PC 386/486 (NetBSD/FreeBSD) Sun4 contains dynamically and statically linked binaries. The binaries which use dynamic linked libraries, are normally prefered as they are much smaller and need less system resources. To use the dynamically linked binaries the shared libraries of the XView-Toolkit must be installed on your system. You can choose the binaries appropriate to your system during unpacking. Linux contains only dynamically linked binaries. In order to run Sun4 (SunOS) binaries you need: - SunOS 4.1.1 or later - OpenWindows 2.0/3.0 or X11 R5/R6 - using the dynamically linked version you need the shared libraries,, or later In order to run Sun4 (Solaris) binaries you need: - Solaris 2.3 (SunOS 5.3) - OpenWindows 3.0 or X11 R5/R6 - using the dynamically linked version you need the shared libraries,, These are the OpenWindows libraries distributed by Sun for Solaris 2.3 - the meaning of a statically linked version is as follows: All of the X and XView libraries required by MuPAD are statically linked. Standard libraries like libc are dynamically linked. In order to run IBM RS/6000 binaries you need: - AIX 3.1.5 or later - AIXWindows 3.1 (X11R3) or later In order to run Linux binaries you need: - Linux 0.99, Patch Level 14 or later (tested with 1.1.51,, - XView 3.0 Linux Release 4 and X11R5 - you need the shared libraries,, MuPAD should also work with older versions, for example,,, but this has not been tested. - We recommend 12-16 MB main memory In order to run Silicon Graphics binaries you need: - IRIX 4.0.5 or later In order to run DECstation binaries you need: - Ultrix 4.2 or later In order to run NetBSD binaries you need: - NetBSD 0.9 or later * Sun4 (SunOS 4.1.x) binaries work also with Solaris 2.x (SunOS 5.x) * SGI (IRIX 4.x) binaries work also with IRIX 5.x . * NetBSD binaries work also with FreeBSD. See 'How to install MuPAD' for details. How to get MuPAD ---------------- Before you copy MuPAD via ftp, you should create and change to the directory in which you want to install MuPAD, say /usr/local/MuPAD for example: mkdir /usr/local/MuPAD cd /usr/local/MuPAD You may use any other directory instead of /usr/local/MuPAD. After you have created and changed to the MuPAD root directory, you should copy the MuPAD files to that directory. They come as compressed, tar-files. You need to copy the following files from the ftp server: - README -- this file - -- shell script to unpack the MuPAD tar-files - share.tar.gz -- sharable parts of the MuPAD system - at least one of bin.ibmrs6000.tar.gz -- binaries for IBM RS/6000 bin.sun4.tar.gz -- binaries for Sun4 (SunOS 4.1.x) bin.solaris.tar.gz -- binaries for Sun4 (Solaris 2.3) bin.sgi4.tar.gz -- binaries for Silicon Graphics (IRIX 4.0.5) bin.sgi5.tar.gz -- binaries for Silicon Graphics (IRIX 5.1.1/5.2) bin.dec.tar.gz -- binaries for DECstation (Ultrix 4.2/4.3) bin.linux.tar.gz -- binaries for PC (Linux 1.0) bin.netbsd.tar.gz -- binaries for PC (NetBSD 1.0) Additional software: - share-ext.tar.gz -- extensions of the sharable parts. Animation (only available for Sun4) - doc-ext.tar.gz -- Additional documentation - Moduls, Domains, Polynomials, Linear Algebra saved as PostScript files. - doc-small.tar.gz -- The manual, the tutorial and the demo are formated according to a screen with a resolution of 600 pixel (height). - xview.fonts.tar.gz -- XView fonts A sample ftp session to copy MuPAD might look like: ftp.... ftp> cd ... ftp> binary ftp> get README ftp> get ftp> get share.tar.gz ftp> get bin.sun4.tar.gz ftp> bye How to install MuPAD -------------------- After you have copied the MuPAD tar-files you need to unpack them with the script. Change to the MuPAD root directory where the tar-files are located and start If your MuPAD root directory is /usr/local/MuPAD for example the necessary commands are: cd /usr/local/MuPAD sh Please stay at the terminal during unpacking as the script may ask for additional information. That's all you need to install MuPAD. After unpacking has been completed you should try to start MuPAD, following the guidelines in section 'How to run MuPAD'. Users of Version 1.2 should install Version 1.2.1 in a new directory. Please do not mix up Version 1.2.1 and 1.2 ! See 'How to run MuPAD', because the directory structure of MuPAD has changed and therefore some environment variables must be changed. Sun4 (SunOS 4.1.x) binaries work also with Solaris 2.x (SunOS 5.x) If you want to run Sun4 binaries with Solaris create a symbolic link ln -s sun4 solaris below the MuPAD root directory. Sun4 binaries runs about 30-50 % slower with Solaris than Solaris binaries! Note: In this case, you can't use MuPAD's module generator. SGI (IRIX 4.x) binaries work also with IRIX 5.x . If you want to run IRIX 4.x binaries with IRIX 5.x create a symbolic link ln -s sgi4 sgi5 below the MuPAD root directory. Note: In this case, you can't use MuPAD's module generator. NetBSD binaries work also with FreeBSD 1.1-BETA or later. If you want to run NetBSD binaries with FreeBSD create a symbolic link ln -s netbsd freebsd below the MuPAD root directory. Running MuPAD on IBM RS/6000 or DECstation, you may need the XView fonts too. Copy xview.fonts.tar.gz from the ftp server. To unpack these fonts type: uncompress xview.fonts.tar.gz ; tar xf xview.fonts.tar ; rm xview.fonts.tar To install these fonts on your system, please read the README, which is located in the directory Xview.fonts . See also `Differences on IBM RS/6000` at the end of this README. How to run MuPAD ---------------- In order to run MuPAD some environment variables must be defined or changed. The single most important variable ist MuPAD_ROOT_PATH, which defines the MuPAD root directory: - MuPAD_ROOT_PATH -- the root directory of the MuPAD system. - FONT_PATH -- the directory where the fonts for the help system are searched for. - PAGER -- the pager (ie. more or less) used to display the help pages in a MuPAD terminal session. If not set, more is used. - MANPATH -- the search path for man pages. - path or PATH -- the command search path. - LW_PRINTER -- the name of a Postscript-printer. - PREVIEWER -- the previewer (i.e. xv or xloadimage) used to display GIF-pictures in MuPAD's on-line manual. If not set, /usr/local/X11/bin/xv is used. In any case you have to specify MuPAD_ROOT_PATH and FONT_PATH, and you have to extend the command search path (path or PATH). Add the following lines to your .cshrc if you use the csh or tcsh: # # MuPAD environment # setenv MuPAD_ROOT_PATH /usr/local/MuPAD setenv FONT_PATH $MuPAD_ROOT_PATH/share/doc/hytex/fonts setenv MANPATH ${MANPATH}:${MuPAD_ROOT_PATH}/share/doc/man set path = ($path $MuPAD_ROOT_PATH/share/bin) Add the following lines to your .profile if you use a sh, ksh or bash: # # MuPAD environment # MuPAD_ROOT_PATH=/usr/local/MuPAD export MuPAD_ROOT_PATH FONT_PATH=$MuPAD_ROOT_PATH/share/doc/hytex/fonts export FONT_PATH MANPATH=$MANPATH:$MuPAD_ROOT_PATH/share/doc/man export MANPATH PATH=$PATH:$MuPAD_ROOT_PATH/share/bin export PATH Remember that the directory /usr/local/MuPAD serves only as an example and must be substituted by the MuPAD root directory in which the MuPAD system is installed. If you have installed less, you could use this pager instead of more: setenv PAGER 'less -C -w -P""' respectively PAGER='less -C -w -P""' export PAGER Note: If you don't want users to have to modify their .cshrc or respectively their .profile, use the program setup which is located in share/bin/admin below the MuPAD root directory. Remember also that the fonts for the MuPAD help system may be located at other places than $MuPAD_ROOT_PATH/share/doc/hytex/fonts if the fonts already exist elsewhere on your system. If you run the Sun4 binaries which use dynamic link libraries it may be necessary to change the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. (This variable is used to search for dynamic libraries at run time.) If you get an error message from you should extend LD_LIBRARY_PATH by the directories where the necessary libraries are located, for example setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/usr/X11/lib If you don't want to modify your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, you can do the following: alias xmupad "(setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib:/usr/openwin/lib; \xmupad)" Possible warnings when starting MuPAD ------------------------------------- If you get the system warning No such file or directory, extras menu file /usr/lib/.text_extras_menu (Textsw package) when starting xmupad, copy the file text_extras_menu which is located in $MuPAD_ROOT_PATH/share/xview to /usr/lib/.text_extras_menu . Can also be set via environment variable EXTRASMENU, for example setenv EXTRASMENU $MuPAD_ROOT_PATH/share/xview/text_extras_menu If you get the system warning Warning: make sure that you can write when starting xmupad, please check the access permissions of the file . A short extract of the utmp manual page: Some window systems will make entries in utmp for terminal emulation windows running shells, so that library routines such as getlogin will work correctly in that window. If you get the MuPAD warning Warning: Could not open 'startup.mb', reading system init file. when starting mupad or xmupad, call rebuild_startup which is located in MuPAD_ROOT_PATH/share/bin/admin. If you get the XView warning: Cannot load font '--0' (Font package) when starting xmupad, please set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you get the XView warning: Cannot load font set '-*-FONT_FAMILY_LUCIDA-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*' (Font package) when starting xmupad, the X server will automatically choose a font that is available. The XView warning: ttysw_sigwinch, can't get tty process group: Not a typewriter when starting mdx within a xterm under Linux, is a known bug, but causes no problems within the actual MuPAD session. The MuPAD warning Sorry, can't open file: /tmp/xmupad_mupad_connect.xxxx when starting xmupad, is a known bug, but causes no problems within the actual MuPAD session. The next release of MuPAD will fix this bug. How to upgrade MuPAD -------------------- Call mupad or xmupad and type register("", ""); where and are taken from the MuPAD licence agreement. Note: Users of MuPAD 1.2 can use their former code name and code. Possible errors: * Wrong password or not registrated user You possibly misspelled the code name or code. Make sure that there are no leading or trailing blanks. * Can't cancel memory limitation You are not allowed to write into the MuPAD root directory. You must have write permission. * Illegal argument You have to enclose the code name and the code in ". Disc space needed for MuPAD --------------------------- (1) Standard version Standard configuration: 13 - 23 MB binaries SunOS 4.1.x -- ~ 8 MB (a) Solaris 2.3 -- ~ 12 MB (b) Linux -- ~ 2 MB (c) AIX -- ~ 6 MB Irix 4 -- ~ 8 MB Irix 5 -- ~ 11 MB (d) Ultrix -- ~ 8 MB share -- ~ 11 MB (a) Statically linked version : ~ 5 MB Dynamically linked version: ~ 2 MB Modules : ~ 1 MB (b) Statically linked version : ~ 9 MB Dynamically linked version: ~ 2 MB Modules : ~ 1 MB (c) Only dynamically linked version available. (d) Only statically linked version available. Extended configuration: 32 - 42 MB binaries -- see Standard configuration share -- see Standard configuration doc-ext -- ~ 2 MB share-ext -- ~ 17 MB Minimal configuration: 7 - 17 MB binaries -- see Standard configuration share -- ~ 5 MB (see 'How to reduce disc space') (2) Terminal version The terminal version is completely independent from any window system and therefor all graphical interfaces like xmupad, vcam, mdx and the online hypertext documentation are missing. The terminal version contains all of MuPAD's functionality, inclusive online help, lineeditor, debugger, profiler, modul generator and graphics. The graphics produced by this version are data files. You can use vcam as a standalone tool, or you can convert this data to the format, that is accepted by another renderer. Standard configuration: ~ 3.3 MB binaries -- ~ 1.1 MB share -- ~ 2.2 MB You need only the directories share/bin/ share/lib/ share/doc/ascii/ share/mmg/ /modules and only the binaries mupad and mmg in the directory /bin/ where is the machine hardware name, for example sun4. If you cannot find the binary mmg and the directory /modules/, then MuPAD doesn't support the modul generator for your hardware, and you can remove the directory share/mmg/ (3) Additional software: xview.fonts -- ~ 3 MB How to reduce disc space ------------------------ In order to reduce the disc space needed for MuPAD you may further be able to delete some TeX-PK-fonts. These fonts are used for the MuPAD help system and might already be installed on your system. The fonts for the MuPAD help system are located in the directory share/doc/hytex/fonts/ (~ 160 KB) below the MuPAD root directory. You may delete this font directory if you allready have these fonts in other places, but note that in this case you must change the environment variable FONT_PATH according to the existing font directories. Typical places where such fonts could be located are /usr/local/tex/fonts/pk118 and /usr/local/tex/fonts/pk300 for example. If your system has the shared libraries, and you can remove all files with the extension .static which are located in sun4/bin, solaris/bin below the MuPAD root directory. If you do not need the tutorial, you can remove the following files/directories: share/doc/hytex/tutorial.* (~ 600 KB) share/doc/hytex/bsp/tutorial/ (~ 500 KB) share/doc/hytex/gif/tutorial/ (~ 600 KB) If you do not need the demo, you can remove the following files/directories: share/doc/hytex/demo.* (~ 200 KB) share/doc/hytex/bsp/demo/ (~ 500 KB) share/demo/ (~ 1500 KB) If your system does not provide MuPAD's modul generator, or if you do not need the modul generator, you can remove the directory: share/mmg/ (~ 600 KB) Differences on IBM RS/6000 ------------------------- Editing Keys The IBM RS/6000 keyboard does not have a left set of function keys or any usable function keys past F10. The editing keys can be remapped via xmodmap (see below for examples) or the standard keyboard equivalents can be used. Sun IBM L2 (Again) Meta-a L4 (Undo) Meta-u L6 (Copy) Meta-c L8 (Paste) Meta-v L9 (Find) Meta-f L10 (Cut) Meta-x Help Key To use the help functions of XView and OLWM you must bind the Help keysym to some other key. For example, to make the F8 key act like the Help key, type: xmodmap - << EOF keysym F8 = Help EOF Meta Key The AIX Windows keyboard map must first be altered for the Meta key to be noticed by the XView Toolkit. Use the xmodmap command: xmodmap - << EOF keysym Alt_L = Meta_L keysym Alt_R = Meta_R EOF Remarks on Silicon Graphics --------------------------- All of MuPAD's graphical interfaces run in 'full-screen-debug' mode, because of a bug in the X11-server Xsgi. This mode slows down the speed of xmupad, hypage (hypertext system), mdx (debugger) and vcam (graphic tool). Within mdx, user input is repeated in the terminal window. This is a bug in the TERMSW-package of the SGI-XView port. You have to specify the font for MuPAD's graphical interfaces. Please select a font with a fixed width. xlsfonts lists all available fonts on your server. Make an entry in your .Xdefaults, for example lucida-normal-10 Known Bugs ---------- In some cases a window remains empty. Activate a window by clicking the left mouse anywhere on the window background. This will refresh the contents of a window.