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Re: URGENT!! The Wrath of Viacom!

In article <griffithE2wvI0.AAE@netcom.com>,
Jim Griffith <griffith@netcom.com> wrote:
>Kevin Atkinson <kevinatk@home.com> writes:
>>In article <griffithE2KzA1.FB9@netcom.com>,
>>  griffith@netcom.com (Jim Griffith) wrote:
>>> Simply put, you are wrong.
>>So are you saying that you support what they are doing?
>But to answer your question, if they are confining their actions to sites
> which
>clearly have stolen or copied copyrighted or trademarked material without
>adhering to "Fair Use" principles, yes, I do.  I've been saying for a couple
>of years now that the biggest challenge facing the Internet is the correct
>application of copyright law, simply because I see it violated every day.
>And here is Paramount apparently *correctly* applying copyright law to the
>Internet, and people are getting mad at them?  Talk about nerve.
>"What do you mean, you're not going to let me steal your wallet?  FOUL! FOUL!"

Just because what they are doing is legal it doesn't mean it is sensible.

* Kevin Atkinson, Clarknet I'net Serv.,  http://www.clark.net/pub/kevina/    *
* National Motorists Association Member #117319. See URL below for more info *
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